(hand knitted).
I croqueted the ends ..added length at wrists and waist..
Skirt ..an old jumper I knitted some years back, back and front
sewn together and then croqueted on the bottom for length.
"Great men are not always wise,
Nor do the aged always understand justice."
Job 32:9
"Great men are not always wise,
Nor do the aged always understand justice."
Job 32:9
You so didn't make those yourself Mum, rather, it looks like you just bought them at Prada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know I did
I am going to take that as a compliment
bringing my own Prada to Wang perhaps
mmm I should not insult Prada
I don,t think I have ever owned a Prada outfit
perhaps if I robbed the bank I could..
where is my mask and gloves and stylish little gun of course...where did I put them
I am alwways losing things especially my glasses
better go i am being slothful again
If anyone clicks onto this comment box please do not take me literally...ie I do not have a gun nor do I intend to rob the bank!
hahaha! That's ok. I was only being silly. Love you.
I AM SHOCKED JACINTA! I can't believe you have a gun. You really surprised me this time. I thought, oh i will comment on this lovely outfit, but instead have been stunned by these violent declarations!
Sounds like you..... friend of Maikuka!....
Gosh, James you really make me laugh.
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